
Almond.CSS is a collection of CSS styles to make simple websites look nicer and better.

On this demo page, we will go through the main components from this lightweight CSS library. Then we will also add the extended classed styles.


Block and Inline Elements

Paragraph. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat velit lorem, feugiat congue lacus laoreet quis. Praesent maximus ex nec justo iaculis, in euismod eros dictum. Cras ac lorem sit amet purus malesuada blandit. Mauris gravida augue non urna sodales porttitor. Etiam ullamcorper luctus ullamcorper. In lobortis consequat ante.

This is a paragraph with multiple inline elements. The span is not styled, but you may have some links with the a tag; also you can add emphasis with em or also with i; Highlight the words by using strong or just bring attention with the b tag; of course, you can strikethrough text (or the deprecated tag in HTML5 strike), and the <u> tag now stands for unarticullated-text instead of underline; abbreviations are great, as you may have TMA; inline code is cool too; You can also add line breask with br...
Highlight text with mark or display a Key. You can also have inline quotes with q, or results from an operation with samp or a variable, or an output, also there's small text, text withsuperscript, or text withsubscript... not to mention you can have time too. For example, this paragraph was originally written in . Not to forget about definitions! Also del was deleted and ins was inserted.

Integer viverra elit sed tincidunt dignissim. Donec luctus malesuada posuere. Sed pulvinar pulvinar augue. Aenean id ligula justo. Curabitur egestas sed augue vel vulputate. Ut tempor sem sit amet diam molestie, id tincidunt lorem vulputate. Duis eu consectetur turpis, sit amet lobortis magna.

—Cicero, De finibus bonorum et malorum
Alvaro Montoro wrote this document.

Fancy links

Some links may be special depending on their href or their rel:

Link to
Link to a number (call)
Link to a number (message)
Link to a file
Link to download a file
Link to an external site
Link to bookmark

Those special links will work inline too! Email me! or see an Link to an external site.


Heading Level 1

Heading Level 2

Heading Level 3

Heading Level 4

Heading Level 5
Heading Level 6

Heading level 2 within hgroup

Heading level 3 within hgroup


  1. Ordered list item 1
  2. Ordered list item 2
    1. Ordered list sub-item 1
    2. Ordered list sub-item 2
  3. Ordered list item 3
  4. Ordered list item 4

Form & Controls

Inputs & Textareas

Input with type="hidden" ;)

Input States


Button with button tag

Disabled button

Radios & Checkboxes

Other Form Controls

Elements in-line

Other HTML Elements


Demo Table
Column 1 Column 2 Column 3 Column 4
Row 1 Value 1 Row 1 Value 2 Row 1 Value 3 Row 1 Value 4
Row 2 Value 1 Row 2 Value 2 Row 2 Value 3 Row 2 Value 4
Row 3 Value 1 Row 3 Value 2 Row 3 Value 3 Row 3 Value 4
Total 1 Total 2 Total 3 Total 4

Horizontal Rule




Figure & Figcaption

Picture of a person



Details/Summary example

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent placerat velit lorem, feugiat congue lacus laoreet quis. Praesent maximus ex nec justo iaculis, in euismod eros dictum. Cras ac lorem sit amet purus malesuada blandit. Mauris gravida augue non urna sodales porttitor. Etiam ullamcorper luctus ullamcorper. In lobortis consequat ante.

Stacked details ("Accordion style")

Accordion 1

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Accordion 2

Praesent placerat velit lorem, feugiat congue lacus laoreet quis.

Accordion 3

Praesent maximus ex nec justo iaculis, in euismod eros dictum.


This is a test dialog

Dialog with heading

This is a test dialog

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.

This is a test dialog with a long text.



Definition Lists

Term 1
Definition for term 1.
Term 2
Definition for term 2.
Term 3
Definition for term 3.


This is a test
    with different 

Pre with Code

#include <stdio.h>

// this is a line with really long text to show that now the gray background goes all the way, instead of limiting to the wisth of the main.
int main(void) {
  printf("Hello World");
  return 0;



Audio credit: "Notification Sound" by SoundsForYou on Pixabay


Video credit: "Hearbeat" by conolan on Pixabay


An accessible collection of class-less widgets, based on attributes and roles. Widgets are not available in the lite version of the library.

Progress bar

To create a circular progress bar, add role="progressbar" to an HTML element. Also, inline add a CSS variable with the target value: style="--value: 66".

To make it more accessible, add some ARIA attributes:

  • aria-valuenow: The value of the progress bar.
  • aria-valuemin: The minimum value of the progress bar.
  • aria-valuemax: The maximum value of the progress bar.

You can specify how the thickness of the progress bar by setting the --thickness custom property to one of these values: var(--thick), var(--medium) (default), or var(--thin).

Code example and demos

<div role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="33" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="--value: 33"></div>
<div role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="50" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="--value: 50; --thickness: var(--thick)"></div>
<div role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="66" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="--value: 66; --thickness: var(--medium)"></div>
<div role="progressbar" aria-valuenow="90" aria-valuemin="0" aria-valuemax="100" style="--value: 90; --thickness: var(--thin)"></div>